In this video we look at why 95% of active traders lose money and how by knowing this simple information will start to save you thousands and maybe all that money in your account. You might think that number is incredibly high but… Yes….95% of traders lose consistently while trading. Why is this number so high and how can you be in the 5% making money? Its simple most traders follow the same generic advice, education and make the same generic mistakes time and time again. Learn about what every beginner in forex should know. This video is a small part of our BANK TRADING FOREX course and we believe in transparency of information so that you can make an informed decision. We will talk about:- Why 95% of active traders lose money Forex Education Cause and Effect Retail Trading Approach vs Professional Trading Approach Trading Oscillators Why free tools and education and your role.. What they are not teaching you and how you can join the winning side Sign up to this course Visit our blog How to trade forex| Forex trading for beginners| how forex trading works | forex for beginners| forex trading course |Why 95% of traders lose money| learn forex trading |