Forex trading is foreign exchange market which is commonly known as "Forex". it is also called as FX market and currency is a global financial market where different currencies of the world are traded in pairs. FOREX IS BUSINESS OR JOB? in job we need to give a proper time for work in a day but if we have our own work or business then we can do our work whenever we want and we gave time our work when we Forex is not a job because we have no time limits for doing this work we can do it in 24 hours of the day in our free time..Forex market is open 5 days of the week its just closed on Saturday and in these 5 days we can do this job.. EARNING WAYS IN FOREX TRADING 1:- TRADING 2:- WORK AS AN EXCHANGER 3:- WORK AS A TRAINER 1:- WORK AS TRADER in Forex trading we can earn money as a trader we can trade in market and earn our money.the money which we earn will save directly in our account which is easily withdraw able. we can trade five days a week and earn. 2:- WORK AS AN EXCHANGER we can also earn money in Forex as an exchanger. in this field we sell and buy currency . we buy money from others in E-currency(internet currency)/local currency and sell them in local/E-currency with a little bit of our margin. 3:- AS A TRAINER if you know that you are fully expert in Forex then you can work as a can make your own tutorials and sell then on internet. but first of all you are a beginner and yet you just have to focus on TRADING . because you are new in field and there are a lot of things you have to learn.then you can choose any method of earning which you want. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Forex for beginners class 3 in Urdu and hindi" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-