Unfortunately I recorded audio and could't find the files so the audio is not the best. This Nonfarm i purely went in on patterns i know and heavy Resistance line that had formed and the results where amazing. caught about 55 pips as you will note via the video. ____________________ I am a 24 years old trader turned 25 years 18/05/2015 who has being trading Forex for the last 4 years to 5 years. And I was studying Civil Engineering And theology when I came to know of Forex and knew at that moment, that Forex was a path I wanted to take for a business and to make a living _________________________________ WARNING You may not like me or what I am doing, But just respect that It is all I know (Including Theology) Lolol. __________________________________ DISCLAIMER I am not a Professional trained trader and I'm not doing this video to give investment advice,but just to help you in your journey as a Forex trader. Understand the risks you put on by trading anything. And take full responsibility for them. Thanks Contact: giftmushanganyisi@gmail.com Join my facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/southafricasyoungestforextrader/ For the DVD - https://www.facebook.com/ributonicfoundation ________________________________________ Don't forget to Subscribe to our Youtube Channel and share with your friends and family our message of change and hope. Either via the posts or via the videos on the channel, the link of the channel provided below. https://m.youtube.com/user/G13793, that's the link to the channel. I'll be making you guys more videos soon. And entertainment content too. Stay blessed. #letsEducate #ForexTraderForLive #forextradingclub #forexsignals #TheWinningTeam #WeAreTraders #investingmentorship #portfoliomanagement #investinglife #mt4 #mentoring #kedecemberboss #kejanuaryboss #workstation #pcfreak #forexforaliving #lifeofaforextrafer Instagram@ Ricky G LeaMu's Facebook @ Ricky G LeaMu's Twitter @Ricky G LeaMu's Periscope @Gift Mushanganyisi