Register for a free Ebook and additional gift, showing how to make 100 pips a day. Join us on Facebook! and see what we are up to. Indicators are probably the most over used tool beginning traders rely upon in any market. Whether you can make money with them, or not, has probably been the most discussed topic in Forex over all. What does an indicator tell you? Technical indicators are merely graphical aids which are generated through simple, or sometimes complicated arithmetic operations based on data that you already have access to. That is simply the information that is already there, in front of you, in every candlestick. There are many different indicators for you to choose from. How do you know what indicator,to rely on? What I am here to tell you is that there is only ONE thing that matters inside a chart. That is price. Nothing else, nothing more. The price, the way it moves, the way it reaches the highs and lows, is all there is to know about the market. Indicators obviously lag, because price cannot predict itself. That makes sense, Right? If you are reading this article, then you have made the wise decision to take your time and to learn about Forex price action trading and the power of the numbers built into the MM4X price action software.