How I turned $600 into $30,000 trading stocks and options Made this video because so many people were asking me how much they should start trading stocks with. A lot of people who trade penny stocks or are trying to learn how to trade penny stocks ask me this a lot so I figured I would throw that in the title. As you will see though, this video is going to actually going to teach quite the opposite to trading penny or OTC stocks haha. Nonetheless, selecting an amount to start trading with in super important so I go into pretty good detail as to why it is and how you can use the info to your advantage! I also give a bunch of tips for those trading small accounts, so whether you are a begginner looking how to trade penny stocks, trade options or even stocks, there should be some good info for you. I also explain how The Trading Fraternity works and the details of our program. I Also go over our new service that we are going to be offering and explain how its different from the likes of most stock services. If you would like to learn more about how to trade stocks, options or penny stocks or need any tips for beginners, OR even if you already have experience, go to our website Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram!