Subscribe: Full article: Exiting a trading position at the right time and price is arguably more important than your entry order; Because only when you exit, you lock in and confirm your profit. In previous videos I’ve talked about choosing the best currency pairs and best times to trade. I also have devoted a whole lot and identifying trading opportunities at the Invest Diva video course. Today, let’s talk about getting out, WITH profit by paying attention to a small trick when setting limit exit orders in your long term trades. There are many ways to calculate your exit strategy and it highly depends on your trading time frame, your account's margin and on the market sentiment in general. Limit orders or Profit Taking Levels are the areas you calculate to get out of your position when the market prices reach your target and you decide to end your journey with that specific trading instrument such as forex currency pairs, stocks or even BitCoins. Stop-loss orders are levels you choose to exit a position to control risk if it reaches a point where we are unwilling to absorb further losses and are mostly used for short-term trades. Because in long term trades, if you have enough margin and time in hand, you can expect the market to complete a cycle and go back to your entry levels, although it could take months or even years. Read more: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @InvestDiva @KianaDanial