If you aren't aware forex is a scam, you NEED to listen to this. Must watch educational information for all forex beginners. Find out why the 4.3 trillion dollars traded a day, really doesn't even equate to a billion dollars. If you are looking how to trade forex or for forex strategies, I would look more into the risks first and better prepare yourself. There is nothing wrong with trading a financial vehicle, but not fully understanding what you are getting into is, and that is the common problem with forex, which leads me to call it a scam. If you don't care what I have to say, at least skip to the last minute of the video to watch me rip and rev my ferrari 458 italia spyder through a tunnel :) Beyond those problems and the lack of regulation, I didn't even get to mention all the scams associated with forex and these fake forex millionaires who sell bs forex strategies that revolve around technicals. Its your oceannsky, reza mohktarian, mentortips type of guy I am talking about. Scammers in the forex industry thrive off the little regulation and take advantage of the high commissions provided by OTC markets, just like Jordan Belfort did in the Wolf of Wall street. All in all, It is just sad to see ill informed people on the matter, this is just a very brief description while I was driving on why I think forex is a scam. I will make more videos on this in the near future so if you have any questions or comments, please let me know so I can address it in the next video! Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT so I have questions to answers and things to talk about. If you think you can hang with the brothers and are qualified to be one of the 25 people we accept every quarter to join my 3-month mentoring program, where you are able to watch me trade stocks LIVE every second of the day, every day of the week and be able to ask me questions live while I trade, go to http://www.thetradingfraternity.com to request and application. The lazy and undedicated need not apply. If you haven't done so follow me on social media! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JoshAnswers instagram: http://www.instagram.com/TheTradingFraternity Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TradingFraternity Sign up to be a TTF Citizen: http://www.TTFCitizen.com Apply for mentorship: http://www.TheTradingFraternity.com