Need help becoming profitable? Watch this interview, where Jarratt reveals THE EDGE, which got him #2 ranking: How to trade Forex fundamentals from a long-term perspective? I am back with another video answering more of your questions. Please get the questions coming on the social networks and on the blog because that is how I know what information you all need. Today 's questions is how to trade Forex fundamentals from a long-term perspective. Let's say you do not want to be intra-day trading, you do not look at the chart every five minutes. You just want to look at the big picture, place your trades and forget about it.The best way to do that is to trade the fundamentals. In other words, to trade the central bank policy divergence. Basically, you need to be looking at all the central banks around the world. Central banks policies in particular. The key is to find two central banks with the most extreme opposite policy... ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Join my Free Video Course and Learn Forex Success: